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Adventures of the cudgel Arsenal Arsenal, the beat span in London (LONDON), England. Founded in 1886, Arsenal Football Combine (also known as “The Gunners” or “The Gunners”) was the outset southern club to marry the Football Federation and to continue in the ascend take a run-out powder the longest. without constantly being relegated from the top federated with At all times since the start of the English Highest-ranking Collaborate Cup, Arsenal is a unite in the Premier League. in Holloway in London The cudgel colors are red and white. Arsenal is currently a member of the G-14 group. Arsenal has a burly devotee union around the world. with many formidable contend with teams Regardless of whether the adversary is not far-away from the city, Tottenham Hotspur, when the two teams meet, it command be the frequently to omen the whole London viewers above the field. Arsenal is one of the richest clubs in England. (ended £600 million in assets in 2007) The Arsenal body is a band that has been utter successful. In English football, Arsenal, with its city rivals Tottenham Hotspur, was the fourth most valuable football union in the area as of 2012 with a value of 1.3. billion dollars They are the same of the most successful clubs in English football, having won 13 Band titles, 14 FA Cups (a record), two United with Cups, the FA Community Shield. With 16 Trophies, at one UEFA Cup Winners' Cup and at one Inter-Cities Fairs Cup, Arsenal jointly keep the record in the service of longest running backstay in the English climb flight without relegation. and ranked horde the same in all club allied with club rankings in every nook the 20th century. Arsenal was founded in 1886 in Woolwich on a club of 15 workers and in 1893 Arsenal became the to begin sorority from south London to compete in the Football League. 1913 The baton moves to North London. In the 1930s the company won five Elementary Compartment titles and two FA Cups. They won the league and FA Cup both times on the cardinal time in 1970-71 and did so twice in 1997-98 and 2001-02. Arsenal were at their most triumphant underneath Arsene Wenger (1996–2018), bewitching 17 tame competitions and being straw boss of the 2003–04 Premier League delightful side, where they Unbeaten in 38 games, it is only the promote group to give the coup de grƒce a flavour in the English top aeroplane without losing any grouping all season. They are also the one team to maintain such a reputation in the Leading Coalition era. At the time, the consortium also went on to go unbeaten in the league for the longest in good time in English football yesteryear, 49 games (2003-04), and entered the Ahead UEFA Champions Federation ending in 2006 Arsenal's north London rivals, Tottenham Hotspur, are known as the rivalry between the two teams. north london derby Arsenal is the 7th most valuable football sisterhood in the age as of 2020 with a value of $2.8 billion. It is also the same of the most followed clubs in the world. The lodge's documented motto is "Victory Through Harmony", which translates to "Victory At the end of one's tether with Resemblance". supporter อาร์เซนอล

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